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Liverpool's musical history is absolutely littered with 'could have beens' - artists that by all rights, and in a just universe, should have gone global, but for whatever reason, never quite made it over the line. For every Beatles or Lightning Seeds, there are countless bands who, despite doing everything right, just lacked that last bit of good fortune.


The Albany's story - our story - is the mirror image of this. Shambolic, reckless and largely talentless, the gods of music gave us chance after chance at hitting the 'Big Time', seeing us somehow ending up on national radio, touring the country and chased by festival promoters, yet we always found new ways to mess it up - and never gave a toss.


More 'never should beens' than 'could have beens', this a true-to-life recounting of those glorious, carefree days, narrated by singer/songwriter Matty Loughlin-Day and featuring input and discussion from original band members (Liam 'Rowie' Rowlands, Ste 'Frank Button' Buckley & Tom Powell) plus a whole host of reprobates who joined us along the way.


Regrets? We've a few. But from the safety of nearly two decades, it's safe to say we wouldn't change a thing. And anyway, it was so long ago. Too long.


So Long, Too Long.

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